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Noetify is a tool for recording notes or tasks. This app was built with Vue.js.

TishG Calculator

Calculator tool and app built with React and Redux


Kwotes is an application that generates different quotes each day. Built with React.js and data from They Said So API.


Introduce yourself: My name Tish, I am from Minnesota and I have been in the Software/Tech industry since 2017.

What do you do? I do Web Development and Quality Testing for Websites and Web Applications.

What Technologies do you work with? I primarily work with JavaScript. My tech stack currently includes; HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React.js, Redux, Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, SQL, and GraphQL. I enjoy learning new technologies in Web Development, so I am constantly adding to my stack.

How did you get into Web Development? While working as a Dental Hygienist for a temp staffing agency here in Minnesota, I quickly realized there was a problem. Many medical software systems were too complex to learn in under 10 minutes. I wanted to solve this problem 🤔. I started teaching myself to code in 2017 while I was working as a Dental Hygienist and quickly discovered how fun coding was 😀. I then decided to make the career change into tech in 2018 and eventually completed an immersive, fullstack development coding bootcamp in early 2019. I really enjoy programming and see myself being in Software Development for the rest of my career.

What is one thing we would be surprised to know about you? That I am an NBA geek 🤓. I try to catch most NBA games on TV or highlights on YouTube. You can check out the House of Highlights channel here.

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